Solutions for Media Companies
Media Companies tackle increasing operational complexity as digital demand and platforms skyrocket.
“With TapClicks, KMG gives its clients continuous self- serve access to their campaign performance, reducing each team member’s time spent on low-value client management activities.”
KASHIF KHOKHAR, CO-FOUNDER AND CEO, KAU MEDIA GROUPA Unified Solution For Your Marketing and Advertising Operations
Manage Orders, Reduce Churn, and Increase Revenues with the TapClicks Marketing Operations Platform

Reduce Cost and Increase Productivity through Automation
Automation simplifies processes, reduces human error, and frees employees to do more critical work. Plus, TapClick’s transparency and consistency enable process repeatability. So ensure nothing gets overlooked, reduce labor costs, and increase profitability.
Prevent Duplicate Orders and Campaign Entry Errors
Duplicate orders lead to unnecessary expenses, increased cost of processing/fulfilling the order, and any refunds or chargebacks that may be needed. Having confidence in an end-to-end solution that eliminates errors is critical for the scalability and growth of your business.

Ensure Transparency Across the Organization
Meet performance goals throughout your entire organization with Tapclicks Marketing Operations Platform. Ensure all teams work in sync, with 24/7 access to all process stages and approvals required to execute campaigns. You’ll never have to answer another “Where’s my Order?” email again!
Blend Data across Channels and Verticals for Unified Views of Campaign Results
Track marketing results across multiple channels, e.g., search, social, display, and verticals like print, radio, and TV. Prove which channels and verticals are most effective at driving desired outcomes. Uncover insights and optimize performance.

Demonstrate Campaign Value and Impress Clients with Results
Need to figure out the value drivers? TapClicks 250+ connectors team with SmartConnector to bring in any data you need. Organize the data into actionable insights showing campaign attribution, qualified leads, total conversions, and more.
Amplify your Overall Success...and that of Your Clients
Retain customers by providing accurate, organized, and visually appealing insights. Build credibility by showing them what works and what you can and will improve. Then, deliver the goods and establish yourself as their “go-to” marketing partner.

Keep it Simple with One Login
Too often, platform proliferation requires multiple logins to complete a simple task. TapClicks’ unified platform provides convenience, security, and efficiency and enhances collaboration for your business.