Facebook Insights

Facebook Insights

Insights provide information about your Page's performance, like demographic data about your audience and how people are responding to your posts.

High level is great... but you need to see the nitty gritty, too.

With more granular data capabilities than anywhere else, you finally have the lens to fully understand all layers of your business. With TapClicks, you get access to seemingly-unlimited fields, and custom-built data views as well. Our team delivers the deepest intricacies of any platform and ensure you get the most information possible.

Available Data Views

Group your data in ways you never thought of before and discover intriguing new insights. You can apply deeper insights with TapClicks—complex visualizations. Slice and dice, group and cluster. Drill down from campaign level to creative level.

Take a look at some of our more popular and out-of-the-box data fields supported. Keep checking back as we are always adding new metrics and data fields.

Age Group Android App ID
Android Deep Link Android Destination Type
Android Package Name Android URL
Angry Attachment Description
Attachment Media Height Attachment Media Source
Attachment Media Type Attachment Media Width
Attachment Target ID Attachment Target URL
Attachment Target Unshimmed URL Attachment Title
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Attachment Unshimmed URL Author ID
Author Name Autoplayed Page Video Views
Autoplayed Videos Average Seconds Viewed
CTA ID CTA Intl Number
CTA Type City
Clicked Videos Clicked to Play Page Video Views
Client Comment ID
Comments Country
Created Time Creation Time
Date Description
Email Address Embed HTML
Embeddable Fans Reached
Females Haha
Impressions Impressions to Fans
Impressions to Non-Fans Instagram Eligibility
Iphone App ID Iphone Deep Link
Iphone Destination Type Iphone URL
Is Instagram Eligible Language
Length Lifetime Page Likes
Like Source Likes
Likes, comments and shares Link Clicks
Love Males
Manage in Facebook Message
Minutes Viewed Non-Fans Reached
Organic Impressions Organic Impressions of your posts
Organic Page Video Views Organic View Time
Organic Views Other Clicks
Page Page ID
Page Likes Page Video Complete Autoplayed Views
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Page Video Views Pageviews
Paid Impressions Paid Impressions of your posts
Paid Page Video Views Paid Views
People Reached People Talking About This
Photo View Positive Feedback From Users
Post Complete Unique Views Post Content
Post Content (Internal) Post ID
Post Preview Post Video Average Time Watched
Post Video Complete Organic Views Post Video Complete Paid Unique Views
Post Video Complete Paid Views Post Video Complete Unique Views
Post Video Complete Views Post Video Complete Views Clicked to Play
Post Video Views Publication Date
Reach Reach - Organic
Reach - Paid Reach Last 28 Days
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Reactions Like Reactions Love
Reactions, comments and shares Recommendation Type
Repeat Views Response Time
Review Text Reviewer
Sad Seconds Viewed
Shares Source
Status Thumbnail
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Total Clicked To Play Views Total Clicks
Total Comments Total Complete Auto Played Views
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Total Complete Paid Views Total Complete Unique Views
Total Complete Views Total Fan Impressions
Total Fan Paid Impressions Total Fan Paid Unique Impressions
Total Fan Unique Impressions Total Haha
Total Impressions Total Impressions of your posts
Total Likes Total Love
Total Organic Impressions Total Organic Time Views
Total Organic Unique Impressions Total Organic Views
Total Paid Impressions Total Paid Time Views
Total Paid Unique Impressions Total Paid Views
Total Posts Total Reach
Total Reactions Total Sad
Total Shares Total Sound On Views
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Total Wow Type
Undefined Gender Unique Organic Views
Unique Paid Views Unique Viewers
Unique Viral Impressions Universal Video Id
Unlikes Updated Time
Video ID Video Length
Video Play Video Views with Sound On
Viral Impressions Viral Impressions of your posts
Web Destination Type Web URL

Android App ID Android Deep Link
Android Destination Type Android Package Name
Android URL CTA ID
CTA Intl Number CTA Type
Client Created Time
Date Description
Email Address Iphone App ID
Iphone Deep Link Iphone Destination Type
Iphone URL Page
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Updated Time Web Destination Type

Author ID Author Name
Comment ID Created Time
Date Message
Page Post Content
Post ID Publication Date

Age Group Date
Females Males
Page Total
Undefined Gender

City Date
Lifetime Page Likes Page

Country Date
Lifetime Page Likes Page

Date Language
Lifetime Page Likes Page

Date Like Source
Page Page Likes

Autoplayed Page Video Views Clicked to Play Page Video Views
Date Description
Likes Manage in Facebook
Organic Impressions of your posts Organic Page Video Views
Page Page ID
Page Video Complete Autoplayed Views Page Video Complete Repeat Views
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Pageviews Paid Impressions
Paid Impressions of your posts Paid Page Video Views
People Talking About This Positive Feedback From Users
Post Complete Unique Views Post Video Complete Organic Views
Post Video Complete Paid Views Post Video Complete Views
Post Video Complete Views Clicked to Play Reach Last 28 Days
Reach Last 7 Days Repeat Views
Response Time Total Angry
Total Cares Total Comments
Total Haha Total Impressions
Total Impressions of your posts Total Likes
Total Love Total Posts
Total Reach Total Sad
Total Shares Total Wow
Unlikes Viral Impressions
Viral Impressions of your posts

Angry Attachment Description
Attachment Media Height Attachment Media Source
Attachment Media Type Attachment Media Width
Attachment Target ID Attachment Target URL
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Attachment Unshimmed URL Autoplayed Videos
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Date Fans Reached
Haha Impressions
Impressions to Fans Impressions to Non-Fans
Instagram Eligibility Likes
Likes, comments and shares Link Clicks
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Non-Fans Reached Organic Impressions
Organic View Time Organic Views
Other Clicks Page
Paid Impressions Paid Views
People Reached Photo View
Post Content Post Content (Internal)
Post ID Post Preview
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Post Video Complete Unique Views Post Video Views
Publication Date Reach - Organic
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Reactions, comments and shares Sad
Shares Thumbnail
Total Clicks Total Reach
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Unique Viral Impressions Video Length
Video Play Video Views with Sound On
Viral Impressions Wow

Creation Time Date
Page Recommendation Type
Review Text Reviewer

Average Seconds Viewed Created Time
Date Description
Embed HTML Embeddable
Is Instagram Eligible Length
Page Reach
Seconds Viewed Source
Status Title
Total 10s Auto Played Views Total 10s Clicked To Play Views
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Total 10s Views Total Autoplayed Views
Total Clicked To Play Views Total Complete Auto Played Views
Total Complete Clicked To Play Views Total Complete Organic Unique Views
Total Complete Organic Views Total Complete Paid Unique Views
Total Complete Paid Views Total Complete Unique Views
Total Complete Views Total Fan Impressions
Total Fan Paid Impressions Total Fan Paid Unique Impressions
Total Fan Unique Impressions Total Impressions
Total Organic Impressions Total Organic Time Views
Total Organic Unique Impressions Total Organic Views
Total Paid Impressions Total Paid Time Views
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Total Viral Unique Impressions Universal Video Id
Video ID

About Ad Breaks in milliseconds
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Admin Creator Name Admin Creator Namespace
Affiliation Allow Video Privacy
Allowed Advertising Objects Artists we Like
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Attachments URL Audience Targeting
Backdated Date Backdated Date & Time
Backdated Time Band Bio
Band Booking Agent Band Influences
Band Interests Band Members
Band Press Contact Band Record Label
Band hometown Birthday
Boosted Post Ineligible Reason Boosted Post Status
Call to Action Can Comment?
Can Hide? Can Like?
Can Post? Can Remove?
Category List Checkins
Child Attachments Comment Can Reply Privately?
Comment Created Date Comment Created Date & Time
Comment Created Time Comment Creator ID
Comment Creator Name Comment Message
Comment Message Tags Comments
Comments Mirroring Domain Company Founded
Company Overview Connected Instagram Account
Contact Address Coordinates
Cover Page Source Creator ID
Culinary Team Current Location
Current Promotion Date
Delivery and Pickup Option Info Deny Video Privacy
Description Description HTML
Description Tags Differently Open Offerings
Dress Code Email Addresses
Engagement Details Event
Event Attending Count Event Canceled?
Event Category Event Declined Count
Event Description Event Discount Code Enabled?
Event End Time Event Guest List Enabled?
Event ID Event Interested Count
Event May be Count Event Name
Event No Reply Count Event Online?
Event Owner Event Parent Group
Event Place Event Scheduled Publish Time
Event Start Time Event Ticket URI
Event Time Event Timezone
Event Type Event Updated Time
Expanded Height Expanded Width
Featured Video Film Awards
Film Directed By Film Genre
Film Plot Film Producer
Film Release Date Film Screenplay
Film Starring Film Studio
Followers Count Full Picture
Gender General Info
General Manager Global Brand Root ID
Gobal Brand Page Name Has Added App?
Has Rating? Has Review?
Has Transitioned to New Page Experience? Has Whatsapp Business Number?
Has Whatsapp Number? Height
Icon Impressum
Instagram Business Account Is Always Open?
Is Chain? Is Community Page?
Is Cross Post Eligible? Is Cross Post Video?
Is Eligible for Branded Content? Is Event Draft?
Is Messanger Platform Bot? Is Messenger Bot with Get Started Enabled?
Is Owned? Is Page Owned Event?
Is Permanently Closed? Is Published?
Is Unclaimed? Is Video Eligible in Instagram?
Is Video Embeddable? Is Video Episode?
Is Webhook Subscribed? LeadGen Ads TOS Acceptance Time
LeadGen Ads TOS Accepted By LeadGen Ads TOS Accepted?
Like Churn Rate Like Count
Likes Link Clicks
Link to Post Location
Location City ID Location Country
Location Ignore Warnings? Location Latitude
Location Longitude Location Main Page ID
Location Page ID Location Permanently Closed?
Location Place Topics Location State
Location Store Number Location Street
Location Vanity URL Location Zip
Location is Franchise? Media Object
Media Type Members
Merchant Review Status Message Response Time
Messaging Blocked Conversations Unique Messaging New Conversations Unique
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Messengar Ads Ice Breakers Messengar Ads Quick Replies
Messengar Ads Quick Reply Type Messengar Ads Welcome Message
Mission Multi-Share End Card
Multi-Share Optimized Multi-link Share Description
Name with Location Descriptor Net Like Growth Rate
Net Likes New Like Count
New Page Likes New Page Likes (Unique)
Newsfeed Targeting Offer Eligibility
Online Event Format Online Event Third Party URL
Open Hours Other Clicks
Overall Star Rating Page
Page Category Page Check-in Enabled?
Page Fans by Country Page ID
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Page Impressions Paid Page Impressions Viral
Page Likes Page Likes Unique (Non-Paid)
Page Likes Unique (Paid) Page Likes by Country
Page Name Page Post Anger Reactions
Page Post Engagements Page Post Haha Reactions
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Page Post Impressions Paid Page Post Impressions Viral
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Page Reach Paid Page Reach Paid %
Page Reach Viral Page Reach Viral %
Page Total Actions Page Total Reach
Page URL Page Unlikes
Page Unlikes Unique Page Video Ad Break Avg. CPM from Crossposted Videos
Page Video Ad Break Earnings from Crossposted Videos (estimate) Page Video Ad Break Impressions from Crossposted Videos
Page Video Complete 30s Repeat View Rate Page Video Complete 30s Repeat Views
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Page Video Complete 30s View Rate Paid Page Video Complete 30s View Rate Unique
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Page Video Views Page Video Views Autoplayed
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Page Video Views Paid Page Video Views Unique
Page Views Total Parent
Parent ID Parent Page
Parking Lot Parking Street
Parking Valet Payment Options
People Talking About this Page Permalink URL
Personal Information Personal Interests
Pharmaceutical Safety Info Phone
Photo View Pickup Options
Place Place Category
Plays (Autoplayed) Plays (Clicks to Play)
Plays Total Post Anger Reactions
Post Attachments Media Height Post Attachments Media Src
Post Attachments Media Width Post Attachments Target ID
Post Attachments Target URL Post Attachments Target Unshimmed URL
Post Can Reply Privately? Post Clicks
Post Comments Post Content Clicks
Post Created Date Post Created Date & Time
Post Created Time Post Creator Name
Post Generated Stories Post Generated Story Reach
Post Haha Reactions Post ID
Post Image Post Impressions
Post Impressions Nonviral Post Impressions Organic
Post Impressions Paid Post Impressions Viral
Post Impressions to Fans Post Instagram Eligibility
Post Like Reactions Post Link
Post Love Reactions Post Message
Post Message Tags Post Name
Post Picture Post Reach
Post Reach Nonviral Post Reach Organic
Post Reach Paid Post Reach Viral
Post Reach to Fans Post Sorry Reactions
Post Story Post Target
Post Total Reactions Post Video Ad Break Avg. CPM
Post Video Ad Break Earnings (estimate) Post Video Ad Break Impressions
Post Video Avg. Time Watched Post Video Complete Views Organic
Post Video Complete Views Organic Unique Post Video Complete Views Paid
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Post Video Completes / 30s Views Paid Post Video Completes / 30s Views Unique
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Post Video View Time Organic Post Video Views
Post Video Views Autoplayed Post Video Views Clicked to Play
Post Video Views Organic Post Video Views Organic Unique
Post Video Views Paid Post Video Views Paid Unique
Post Video Views Sound On Post Video Views Unique
Post Wow Reactions Post is Eligible for Promotion?
Post is Expired? Post is Hidden?
Post is Inline Created? Post is Instagram Eligible?
Post is Popular? Post is Spherical?
Preferred Audience Preview
Price Range Privacy Description
Privacy URL Privacy Value
Products Promotable ID
Promotion Status Properties
Public Transit Publishing Application
Rating Rating Count
Recommendation Type Replies
Restaurant Food Style Restaurant Services
Restaurant Specialties Reviewer ID
Reviewer Name Scheduled Publish Time
Shares Status Type
Store Code Store Location Descriptor
Store Number Story Attachment Description
Story Tags Subscribed?
Subtext Supports Donate Button in Live Videos
TV Network TV Show Schedule
TV Show Season Tagged Profiles
Temporary Status Timeline Visibility
Title Universal Video ID
Unread Message Count Unread Notification Count
Unseen Message Count Updated Date
Updated Date & Time Updated Time
User Likes? Username
VOIP Info Vehicle Features
Vehicle MPG Vehicle Year
Verification Status Via
Video Backdated Time Video Backdated Time Granularity
Video Buying Eligibility Video Content Category
Video Content Tags Video Created Date
Video Custom Labels Video Description
Video Duration (seconds) Video Embed HTML
Video Format Embed HTML Video Format Picture
Video ID Video Live Status
Video Permalink Page URL Video Place
Video Play Video Premiere Living Room Status
Video Privacy Description Video Privacy Friends
Video Privacy Networks Video Privacy Value
Video Processing Progress (%) Video Published?
Video Schedule Publish Time Video Source
Video Status Video Updated Time
Video User ID or Page ID Video User or Page
Video User or Page Icon Website
Were Here Count Whatsapp Number
Width Written By

Admin Creator Category Admin Creator ID
Admin Creator Link Admin Creator Name
Admin Creator Namespace Allowed Advertising Objects
Attachments Target Attachments Type
Attachments URL Audience Targeting
Backdated Date Backdated Date & Time
Backdated Time Call to Action
Child Attachments Comments Mirroring Domain
Coordinates Creator ID
Description Tags Event
Expanded Height Expanded Width
Full Picture Height
Icon Link to Post
Media Object Media Type
Multi-Share End Card Multi-Share Optimized
Multi-link Share Description Newsfeed Targeting
Parent ID Permalink URL
Place Post Attachments Media Height
Post Attachments Media Src Post Attachments Media Width
Post Attachments Target ID Post Attachments Target URL
Post Attachments Target Unshimmed URL Post Can Reply Privately?
Post Created Date Post Created Date & Time
Post Created Time Post Creator Name
Post Generated Stories Post Generated Story Reach
Post ID Post Image
Post Instagram Eligibility Post Link
Post Message Post Message Tags
Post Name Post Picture
Post Story Post Target
Post is Eligible for Promotion? Post is Expired?
Post is Hidden? Post is Inline Created?
Post is Instagram Eligible? Post is Popular?
Post is Spherical? Privacy Description
Privacy Value Promotable ID
Promotion Status Properties
Publishing Application Scheduled Publish Time
Status Type Story Attachment Description
Story Tags Subscribed?
Tagged Profiles Timeline Visibility
Title Updated Date
Updated Date & Time Updated Time
Via Video Buying Eligibility

Admin Creator Category Admin Creator ID
Admin Creator Link Admin Creator Name
Admin Creator Namespace Allowed Advertising Objects
Attachments Target Attachments Type
Attachments URL Audience Targeting
Backdated Date Backdated Date & Time
Backdated Time Call to Action
Child Attachments Comments Mirroring Domain
Coordinates Creator ID
Description Tags Event
Expanded Height Expanded Width
Full Picture Gender
Height Icon
Link to Post Media Object
Media Type Multi-Share End Card
Multi-Share Optimized Multi-link Share Description
Newsfeed Targeting Parent ID
Permalink URL Place
Post Attachments Media Height Post Attachments Media Src
Post Attachments Media Width Post Attachments Target ID
Post Attachments Target URL Post Attachments Target Unshimmed URL
Post Can Reply Privately? Post Created Date
Post Created Date & Time Post Created Time
Post Creator Name Post ID
Post Image Post Instagram Eligibility
Post Link Post Message
Post Message Tags Post Name
Post Picture Post Story
Post Target Post Video View Time
Post is Eligible for Promotion? Post is Expired?
Post is Hidden? Post is Inline Created?
Post is Instagram Eligible? Post is Popular?
Post is Spherical? Privacy Description
Privacy Value Promotable ID
Promotion Status Properties
Publishing Application Scheduled Publish Time
Status Type Story Attachment Description
Story Tags Subscribed?
Tagged Profiles Timeline Visibility
Title Updated Date
Updated Date & Time Updated Time
Via Video Buying Eligibility

About Address
Affiliation Artists we Like
Band Bio Band Booking Agent
Band Influences Band Interests
Band Members Band Press Contact
Band Record Label Band hometown
Birthday Boosted Post Ineligible Reason
Boosted Post Status Can Post?
Category List Company Founded
Company Overview Connected Instagram Account
Contact Address Cover Page Source
Culinary Team Current Location
Current Promotion Date
Delivery and Pickup Option Info Description
Description HTML Differently Open Offerings
Dress Code Email Addresses
Engagement Details Featured Video
Film Awards Film Directed By
Film Genre Film Plot
Film Producer Film Release Date
Film Screenplay Film Starring
Film Studio General Info
General Manager Global Brand Root ID
Gobal Brand Page Name Has Added App?
Has Transitioned to New Page Experience? Has Whatsapp Business Number?
Has Whatsapp Number? Impressum
Instagram Business Account Is Always Open?
Is Chain? Is Community Page?
Is Eligible for Branded Content? Is Messanger Platform Bot?
Is Messenger Bot with Get Started Enabled? Is Owned?
Is Permanently Closed? Is Published?
Is Unclaimed? Is Webhook Subscribed?
LeadGen Ads TOS Acceptance Time LeadGen Ads TOS Accepted By
LeadGen Ads TOS Accepted? Location
Members Merchant Review Status
Message Response Time Messengar Ads Ice Breakers
Messengar Ads Quick Replies Messengar Ads Quick Reply Type
Messengar Ads Welcome Message Mission
Name with Location Descriptor Offer Eligibility
Open Hours Overall Star Rating
Page Category Page Check-in Enabled?
Page ID Page Likes
Page Name Page URL
Parent Page Parking Lot
Parking Street Parking Valet
Payment Options Personal Information
Personal Interests Pharmaceutical Safety Info
Phone Pickup Options
Place Category Preferred Audience
Price Range Privacy URL
Products Public Transit
Restaurant Food Style Restaurant Services
Restaurant Specialties Store Code
Store Location Descriptor Store Number
Subtext Supports Donate Button in Live Videos
TV Network TV Show Schedule
TV Show Season Temporary Status
Username VOIP Info
Vehicle Features Vehicle MPG
Vehicle Year Verification Status
Website Whatsapp Number
Written By

Admin Creator Category Admin Creator ID
Admin Creator Link Admin Creator Name
Admin Creator Namespace Allowed Advertising Objects
Attachments Target Attachments Type
Attachments URL Audience Targeting
Backdated Date Backdated Date & Time
Backdated Time Call to Action
Can Comment? Can Hide?
Can Like? Can Remove?
Child Attachments Comment Can Reply Privately?
Comment Created Date Comment Created Date & Time
Comment Created Time Comment Creator ID
Comment Creator Name Comment Message
Comment Message Tags Comments Mirroring Domain
Coordinates Creator ID
Date Description Tags
Event Expanded Height
Expanded Width Full Picture
Height Icon
Like Count Link Clicks
Link to Post Media Object
Media Type Multi-Share End Card
Multi-Share Optimized Multi-link Share Description
Newsfeed Targeting Other Clicks
Parent Parent ID
Permalink URL Photo View
Place Post Anger Reactions
Post Attachments Media Height Post Attachments Media Src
Post Attachments Media Width Post Attachments Target ID
Post Attachments Target URL Post Attachments Target Unshimmed URL
Post Can Reply Privately? Post Clicks
Post Comments Post Created Date
Post Created Date & Time Post Created Time
Post Creator Name Post Haha Reactions
Post ID Post Image
Post Impressions Post Impressions Nonviral
Post Impressions Organic Post Impressions Paid
Post Impressions Viral Post Impressions to Fans
Post Instagram Eligibility Post Like Reactions
Post Link Post Love Reactions
Post Message Post Message Tags
Post Name Post Picture
Post Reach Post Reach Nonviral
Post Reach Organic Post Reach Paid
Post Reach Viral Post Reach to Fans
Post Sorry Reactions Post Story
Post Target Post Total Reactions
Post Video Ad Break Avg. CPM Post Video Ad Break Earnings (estimate)
Post Video Ad Break Impressions Post Video Avg. Time Watched
Post Video Complete Views Organic Post Video Complete Views Organic Unique
Post Video Complete Views Paid Post Video Complete Views Paid Unique
Post Video Completes / 30s Views Autoplayed Post Video Completes / 30s Views Click to Play
Post Video Completes / 30s Views Organic Post Video Completes / 30s Views Paid
Post Video Completes / 30s Views Unique Post Video Length
Post Video View Time Post Video View Time Organic
Post Video Views Post Video Views Autoplayed
Post Video Views Clicked to Play Post Video Views Organic
Post Video Views Organic Unique Post Video Views Paid
Post Video Views Paid Unique Post Video Views Sound On
Post Video Views Unique Post Wow Reactions
Post is Eligible for Promotion? Post is Expired?
Post is Hidden? Post is Inline Created?
Post is Instagram Eligible? Post is Popular?
Post is Spherical? Preview
Privacy Description Privacy Value
Promotable ID Promotion Status
Properties Publishing Application
Replies Scheduled Publish Time
Shares Status Type
Story Attachment Description Story Tags
Subscribed? Tagged Profiles
Timeline Visibility Title
Updated Date Updated Date & Time
Updated Time User Likes?
Via Video Buying Eligibility
Video Play Width

Admin Creator Category Admin Creator ID
Admin Creator Link Admin Creator Name
Admin Creator Namespace Allowed Advertising Objects
Attachments Target Attachments Type
Attachments URL Audience Targeting
Backdated Date Backdated Date & Time
Backdated Time Call to Action
Child Attachments Comments Mirroring Domain
Coordinates Creator ID
Description Tags Event
Expanded Height Expanded Width
Full Picture Height
Icon Link to Post
Media Object Media Type
Multi-Share End Card Multi-Share Optimized
Multi-link Share Description Newsfeed Targeting
Parent ID Permalink URL
Place Post Attachments Media Height
Post Attachments Media Src Post Attachments Media Width
Post Attachments Target ID Post Attachments Target URL
Post Attachments Target Unshimmed URL Post Can Reply Privately?
Post Content Clicks Post Created Date
Post Created Date & Time Post Created Time
Post Creator Name Post ID
Post Image Post Instagram Eligibility
Post Link Post Message
Post Message Tags Post Name
Post Picture Post Story
Post Target Post is Eligible for Promotion?
Post is Expired? Post is Hidden?
Post is Inline Created? Post is Instagram Eligible?
Post is Popular? Post is Spherical?
Privacy Description Privacy Value
Promotable ID Promotion Status
Properties Publishing Application
Scheduled Publish Time Status Type
Story Attachment Description Story Tags
Subscribed? Tagged Profiles
Timeline Visibility Title
Updated Date Updated Date & Time
Updated Time Via
Video Buying Eligibility Width

About Address
Affiliation Artists we Like
Band Bio Band Booking Agent
Band Influences Band Interests
Band Members Band Press Contact
Band Record Label Band hometown
Birthday Boosted Post Ineligible Reason
Boosted Post Status Can Post?
Category List Company Founded
Company Overview Connected Instagram Account
Contact Address Cover Page Source
Culinary Team Current Location
Current Promotion Date
Delivery and Pickup Option Info Description
Description HTML Differently Open Offerings
Dress Code Email Addresses
Engagement Details Featured Video
Film Awards Film Directed By
Film Genre Film Plot
Film Producer Film Release Date
Film Screenplay Film Starring
Film Studio General Info
General Manager Global Brand Root ID
Gobal Brand Page Name Has Added App?
Has Transitioned to New Page Experience? Has Whatsapp Business Number?
Has Whatsapp Number? Impressum
Instagram Business Account Is Always Open?
Is Chain? Is Community Page?
Is Eligible for Branded Content? Is Messanger Platform Bot?
Is Messenger Bot with Get Started Enabled? Is Owned?
Is Permanently Closed? Is Published?
Is Unclaimed? Is Webhook Subscribed?
LeadGen Ads TOS Acceptance Time LeadGen Ads TOS Accepted By
LeadGen Ads TOS Accepted? Location
Members Merchant Review Status
Message Response Time Messengar Ads Ice Breakers
Messengar Ads Quick Replies Messengar Ads Quick Reply Type
Messengar Ads Welcome Message Mission
Name with Location Descriptor Offer Eligibility
Open Hours Overall Star Rating
Page Category Page Check-in Enabled?
Page Fans by Country Page ID
Page Likes by Country Page Name
Page URL Parent Page
Parking Lot Parking Street
Parking Valet Payment Options
Personal Information Personal Interests
Pharmaceutical Safety Info Phone
Pickup Options Place Category
Preferred Audience Price Range
Privacy URL Products
Public Transit Restaurant Food Style
Restaurant Services Restaurant Specialties
Store Code Store Location Descriptor
Store Number Subtext
Supports Donate Button in Live Videos TV Network
TV Show Schedule TV Show Season
Temporary Status Username
VOIP Info Vehicle Features
Vehicle MPG Vehicle Year
Verification Status Website
Whatsapp Number Written By

Admin Creator Category Admin Creator ID
Admin Creator Link Admin Creator Name
Admin Creator Namespace Allowed Advertising Objects
Attachments Target Attachments Type
Attachments URL Audience Targeting
Backdated Date Backdated Date & Time
Backdated Time Call to Action
Child Attachments Comments Mirroring Domain
Coordinates Creator ID
Description Tags Event
Expanded Height Expanded Width
Full Picture Height
Icon Link to Post
Media Object Media Type
Multi-Share End Card Multi-Share Optimized
Multi-link Share Description Newsfeed Targeting
Parent ID Permalink URL
Place Post Attachments Media Height
Post Attachments Media Src Post Attachments Media Width
Post Attachments Target ID Post Attachments Target URL
Post Attachments Target Unshimmed URL Post Can Reply Privately?
Post Created Date Post Created Date & Time
Post Created Time Post Creator Name
Post ID Post Image
Post Instagram Eligibility Post Link
Post Message Post Message Tags
Post Name Post Picture
Post Story Post Target
Post Video View Time Post is Eligible for Promotion?
Post is Expired? Post is Hidden?
Post is Inline Created? Post is Instagram Eligible?
Post is Popular? Post is Spherical?
Privacy Description Privacy Value
Promotable ID Promotion Status
Properties Publishing Application
Scheduled Publish Time Status Type
Story Attachment Description Story Tags
Subscribed? Tagged Profiles
Timeline Visibility Title
Updated Date Updated Date & Time
Updated Time Via
Video Buying Eligibility Width

About Address
Affiliation Artists we Like
Band Bio Band Booking Agent
Band Influences Band Interests
Band Members Band Press Contact
Band Record Label Band hometown
Birthday Boosted Post Ineligible Reason
Boosted Post Status Can Post?
Category List Company Founded
Company Overview Connected Instagram Account
Contact Address Cover Page Source
Culinary Team Current Location
Current Promotion Date
Delivery and Pickup Option Info Description
Description HTML Differently Open Offerings
Dress Code Email Addresses
Engagement Details Featured Video
Film Awards Film Directed By
Film Genre Film Plot
Film Producer Film Release Date
Film Screenplay Film Starring
Film Studio General Info
General Manager Global Brand Root ID
Gobal Brand Page Name Has Added App?
Has Transitioned to New Page Experience? Has Whatsapp Business Number?
Has Whatsapp Number? Impressum
Instagram Business Account Is Always Open?
Is Chain? Is Community Page?
Is Eligible for Branded Content? Is Messanger Platform Bot?
Is Messenger Bot with Get Started Enabled? Is Owned?
Is Permanently Closed? Is Published?
Is Unclaimed? Is Webhook Subscribed?
LeadGen Ads TOS Acceptance Time LeadGen Ads TOS Accepted By
LeadGen Ads TOS Accepted? Location
Members Merchant Review Status
Message Response Time Messengar Ads Ice Breakers
Messengar Ads Quick Replies Messengar Ads Quick Reply Type
Messengar Ads Welcome Message Mission
Name with Location Descriptor Offer Eligibility
Open Hours Overall Star Rating
Page Category Page Check-in Enabled?
Page ID Page Likes
Page Name Page URL
Parent Page Parking Lot
Parking Street Parking Valet
Payment Options Personal Information
Personal Interests Pharmaceutical Safety Info
Phone Pickup Options
Place Category Preferred Audience
Price Range Privacy URL
Products Public Transit
Restaurant Food Style Restaurant Services
Restaurant Specialties Store Code
Store Location Descriptor Store Number
Subtext Supports Donate Button in Live Videos
TV Network TV Show Schedule
TV Show Season Temporary Status
Username VOIP Info
Vehicle Features Vehicle MPG
Vehicle Year Verification Status
Website Whatsapp Number
Written By

Admin Creator Category Admin Creator ID
Admin Creator Link Admin Creator Name
Admin Creator Namespace Allowed Advertising Objects
Attachments Target Attachments Type
Attachments URL Audience Targeting
Backdated Date Backdated Date & Time
Backdated Time Call to Action
Child Attachments Comments Mirroring Domain
Coordinates Creator ID
Description Tags Event
Expanded Height Expanded Width
Full Picture Height
Icon Link to Post
Media Object Media Type
Multi-Share End Card Multi-Share Optimized
Multi-link Share Description Newsfeed Targeting
Parent ID Permalink URL
Place Post Attachments Media Height
Post Attachments Media Src Post Attachments Media Width
Post Attachments Target ID Post Attachments Target URL
Post Attachments Target Unshimmed URL Post Can Reply Privately?
Post Created Date Post Created Date & Time
Post Created Time Post Creator Name
Post ID Post Image
Post Instagram Eligibility Post Link
Post Message Post Message Tags
Post Name Post Picture
Post Story Post Target
Post Video View Time Post Video Views
Post is Eligible for Promotion? Post is Expired?
Post is Hidden? Post is Inline Created?
Post is Instagram Eligible? Post is Popular?
Post is Spherical? Privacy Description
Privacy Value Promotable ID
Promotion Status Properties
Publishing Application Scheduled Publish Time
Status Type Story Attachment Description
Story Tags Subscribed?
Tagged Profiles Timeline Visibility
Title Updated Date
Updated Date & Time Updated Time
Via Video Buying Eligibility

About Address
Affiliation Artists we Like
Band Bio Band Booking Agent
Band Influences Band Interests
Band Members Band Press Contact
Band Record Label Band hometown
Birthday Boosted Post Ineligible Reason
Boosted Post Status Can Post?
Category List Checkins
Comments Company Founded
Company Overview Connected Instagram Account
Contact Address Cover Page Source
Culinary Team Current Location
Current Promotion Delivery and Pickup Option Info
Description Description HTML
Differently Open Offerings Dress Code
Email Addresses Engagement Details
Featured Video Film Awards
Film Directed By Film Genre
Film Plot Film Producer
Film Release Date Film Screenplay
Film Starring Film Studio
Followers Count General Info
General Manager Global Brand Root ID
Gobal Brand Page Name Has Added App?
Has Transitioned to New Page Experience? Has Whatsapp Business Number?
Has Whatsapp Number? Impressum
Instagram Business Account Is Always Open?
Is Chain? Is Community Page?
Is Eligible for Branded Content? Is Messanger Platform Bot?
Is Messenger Bot with Get Started Enabled? Is Owned?
Is Permanently Closed? Is Published?
Is Unclaimed? Is Webhook Subscribed?
LeadGen Ads TOS Acceptance Time LeadGen Ads TOS Accepted By
LeadGen Ads TOS Accepted? Like Churn Rate
Likes Location
Members Merchant Review Status
Message Response Time Messaging Blocked Conversations Unique
Messaging New Conversations Unique Messaging Reported Conversations Unique
Messaging Total Connection Count Messengar Ads Ice Breakers
Messengar Ads Quick Replies Messengar Ads Quick Reply Type
Messengar Ads Welcome Message Mission
Name with Location Descriptor Net Like Growth Rate
Net Likes New Like Count
New Page Likes New Page Likes (Unique)
Offer Eligibility Open Hours
Overall Star Rating Page
Page Category Page Check-in Enabled?
Page ID Page Impressions
Page Impressions Nonviral Page Impressions Paid
Page Impressions Viral Page Likes
Page Likes Unique (Non-Paid) Page Likes Unique (Paid)
Page Name Page Post Anger Reactions
Page Post Engagements Page Post Haha Reactions
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Page Post Impressions Paid Page Post Impressions Viral
Page Post Like Reactions Page Post Love Reactions
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Page Post Reach Paid Page Post Reach Served
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Page Post Total Reactions Page Post Wow Reactions
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Page Reach Viral Page Reach Viral %
Page Total Actions Page Total Reach
Page URL Page Unlikes
Page Unlikes Unique Page Video Ad Break Avg. CPM from Crossposted Videos
Page Video Ad Break Earnings from Crossposted Videos (estimate) Page Video Ad Break Impressions from Crossposted Videos
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Page Video Repeat Views Page Video View Time
Page Video Views Page Video Views Autoplayed
Page Video Views Click to Play Page Video Views Organic
Page Video Views Paid Page Video Views Unique
Page Views Total Parent Page
Parking Lot Parking Street
Parking Valet Payment Options
People Talking About this Page Personal Information
Personal Interests Pharmaceutical Safety Info
Phone Pickup Options
Place Category Preferred Audience
Price Range Privacy URL
Products Public Transit
Rating Count Restaurant Food Style
Restaurant Services Restaurant Specialties
Store Code Store Location Descriptor
Store Number Subtext
Supports Donate Button in Live Videos TV Network
TV Show Schedule TV Show Season
Temporary Status Unread Message Count
Unread Notification Count Unseen Message Count
Username VOIP Info
Vehicle Features Vehicle MPG
Vehicle Year Verification Status
Website Were Here Count
Whatsapp Number Written By

About Address
Affiliation Artists we Like
Band Bio Band Booking Agent
Band Influences Band Interests
Band Members Band Press Contact
Band Record Label Band hometown
Birthday Boosted Post Ineligible Reason
Boosted Post Status Can Post?
Category List Checkins
Comments Company Founded
Company Overview Connected Instagram Account
Contact Address Cover Page Source
Culinary Team Current Location
Current Promotion Date
Delivery and Pickup Option Info Description
Description HTML Differently Open Offerings
Dress Code Email Addresses
Engagement Details Featured Video
Film Awards Film Directed By
Film Genre Film Plot
Film Producer Film Release Date
Film Screenplay Film Starring
Film Studio General Info
General Manager Global Brand Root ID
Gobal Brand Page Name Has Added App?
Has Transitioned to New Page Experience? Has Whatsapp Business Number?
Has Whatsapp Number? Impressum
Instagram Business Account Is Always Open?
Is Chain? Is Community Page?
Is Eligible for Branded Content? Is Messanger Platform Bot?
Is Messenger Bot with Get Started Enabled? Is Owned?
Is Permanently Closed? Is Published?
Is Unclaimed? Is Webhook Subscribed?
LeadGen Ads TOS Acceptance Time LeadGen Ads TOS Accepted By
LeadGen Ads TOS Accepted? Like Churn Rate
Likes Location
Location City ID Location Country
Location Ignore Warnings? Location Latitude
Location Longitude Location Main Page ID
Location Page ID Location Permanently Closed?
Location Place Topics Location State
Location Store Number Location Street
Location Vanity URL Location Zip
Location is Franchise? Members
Merchant Review Status Message Response Time
Messaging Blocked Conversations Unique Messaging New Conversations Unique
Messaging Reported Conversations Unique Messaging Total Connection Count
Messengar Ads Ice Breakers Messengar Ads Quick Replies
Messengar Ads Quick Reply Type Messengar Ads Welcome Message
Mission Name with Location Descriptor
Net Like Growth Rate Net Likes
New Like Count New Page Likes
New Page Likes (Unique) Offer Eligibility
Open Hours Overall Star Rating
Page Category Page Check-in Enabled?
Page ID Page Impressions
Page Impressions Nonviral Page Impressions Paid
Page Impressions Viral Page Likes
Page Likes Unique (Non-Paid) Page Likes Unique (Paid)
Page Name Page Post Anger Reactions
Page Post Engagements Page Post Haha Reactions
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Page Post Like Reactions Page Post Love Reactions
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Page Total Actions Page Total Reach
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Page Unlikes Unique Page Video Ad Break Avg. CPM from Crossposted Videos
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Page Video Views Page Video Views Autoplayed
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Page Video Views Paid Page Video Views Unique
Page Views Total Parent Page
Parking Lot Parking Street
Parking Valet Payment Options
People Talking About this Page Personal Information
Personal Interests Pharmaceutical Safety Info
Phone Pickup Options
Place Category Preferred Audience
Price Range Privacy URL
Products Public Transit
Rating Count Restaurant Food Style
Restaurant Services Restaurant Specialties
Store Code Store Location Descriptor
Store Number Subtext
Supports Donate Button in Live Videos TV Network
TV Show Schedule TV Show Season
Temporary Status Unread Message Count
Unread Notification Count Unseen Message Count
Username VOIP Info
Vehicle Features Vehicle MPG
Vehicle Year Verification Status
Website Were Here Count
Whatsapp Number Written By

About Address
Affiliation Artists we Like
Band Bio Band Booking Agent
Band Influences Band Interests
Band Members Band Press Contact
Band Record Label Band hometown
Birthday Boosted Post Ineligible Reason
Boosted Post Status Can Post?
Category List Checkins
Comments Company Founded
Company Overview Connected Instagram Account
Contact Address Cover Page Source
Culinary Team Current Location
Current Promotion Date
Delivery and Pickup Option Info Description
Description HTML Differently Open Offerings
Dress Code Email Addresses
Engagement Details Featured Video
Film Awards Film Directed By
Film Genre Film Plot
Film Producer Film Release Date
Film Screenplay Film Starring
Film Studio Followers Count
General Info General Manager
Global Brand Root ID Gobal Brand Page Name
Has Added App? Has Transitioned to New Page Experience?
Has Whatsapp Business Number? Has Whatsapp Number?
Impressum Instagram Business Account
Is Always Open? Is Chain?
Is Community Page? Is Eligible for Branded Content?
Is Messanger Platform Bot? Is Messenger Bot with Get Started Enabled?
Is Owned? Is Permanently Closed?
Is Published? Is Unclaimed?
Is Webhook Subscribed? LeadGen Ads TOS Acceptance Time
LeadGen Ads TOS Accepted By LeadGen Ads TOS Accepted?
Like Churn Rate Likes
Location Members
Merchant Review Status Message Response Time
Messaging Blocked Conversations Unique Messaging New Conversations Unique
Messaging Reported Conversations Unique Messaging Total Connection Count
Messengar Ads Ice Breakers Messengar Ads Quick Replies
Messengar Ads Quick Reply Type Messengar Ads Welcome Message
Mission Name with Location Descriptor
Net Like Growth Rate Net Likes
New Like Count New Page Likes
New Page Likes (Unique) Offer Eligibility
Open Hours Overall Star Rating
Page Category Page Check-in Enabled?
Page ID Page Impressions
Page Impressions Nonviral Page Impressions Paid
Page Impressions Viral Page Likes
Page Likes Unique (Non-Paid) Page Likes Unique (Paid)
Page Name Page Post Anger Reactions
Page Post Engagements Page Post Haha Reactions
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Page Post Like Reactions Page Post Love Reactions
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Page Post Total Reactions Page Post Wow Reactions
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Page Reach Paid Page Reach Paid %
Page Reach Viral Page Reach Viral %
Page Total Actions Page Total Reach
Page URL Page Unlikes
Page Unlikes Unique Page Video Ad Break Avg. CPM from Crossposted Videos
Page Video Ad Break Earnings from Crossposted Videos (estimate) Page Video Ad Break Impressions from Crossposted Videos
Page Video Complete 30s Repeat View Rate Page Video Complete 30s Repeat Views
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Page Video Complete 30s View Rate Click to Play Page Video Complete 30s View Rate Organic
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Page Video Repeat Views Page Video View Time
Page Video Views Page Video Views Autoplayed
Page Video Views Click to Play Page Video Views Organic
Page Video Views Paid Page Video Views Unique
Page Views Total Parent Page
Parking Lot Parking Street
Parking Valet Payment Options
People Talking About this Page Personal Information
Personal Interests Pharmaceutical Safety Info
Phone Pickup Options
Place Category Preferred Audience
Price Range Privacy URL
Products Public Transit
Rating Count Restaurant Food Style
Restaurant Services Restaurant Specialties
Store Code Store Location Descriptor
Store Number Subtext
Supports Donate Button in Live Videos TV Network
TV Show Schedule TV Show Season
Temporary Status Unread Message Count
Unread Notification Count Unseen Message Count
Username VOIP Info
Vehicle Features Vehicle MPG
Vehicle Year Verification Status
Website Were Here Count
Whatsapp Number Written By

About Address
Affiliation Artists we Like
Band Bio Band Booking Agent
Band Influences Band Interests
Band Members Band Press Contact
Band Record Label Band hometown
Birthday Boosted Post Ineligible Reason
Boosted Post Status Can Post?
Category List Checkins
Comments Company Founded
Company Overview Connected Instagram Account
Contact Address Cover Page Source
Culinary Team Current Location
Current Promotion Date
Delivery and Pickup Option Info Description
Description HTML Differently Open Offerings
Dress Code Email Addresses
Engagement Details Featured Video
Film Awards Film Directed By
Film Genre Film Plot
Film Producer Film Release Date
Film Screenplay Film Starring
Film Studio Followers Count
General Info General Manager
Global Brand Root ID Gobal Brand Page Name
Has Added App? Has Transitioned to New Page Experience?
Has Whatsapp Business Number? Has Whatsapp Number?
Impressum Instagram Business Account
Is Always Open? Is Chain?
Is Community Page? Is Eligible for Branded Content?
Is Messanger Platform Bot? Is Messenger Bot with Get Started Enabled?
Is Owned? Is Permanently Closed?
Is Published? Is Unclaimed?
Is Webhook Subscribed? LeadGen Ads TOS Acceptance Time
LeadGen Ads TOS Accepted By LeadGen Ads TOS Accepted?
Like Churn Rate Likes
Location Members
Merchant Review Status Message Response Time
Messaging Blocked Conversations Unique Messaging New Conversations Unique
Messaging Reported Conversations Unique Messaging Total Connection Count
Messengar Ads Ice Breakers Messengar Ads Quick Replies
Messengar Ads Quick Reply Type Messengar Ads Welcome Message
Mission Name with Location Descriptor
Net Like Growth Rate Net Likes
New Like Count New Page Likes
New Page Likes (Unique) Offer Eligibility
Open Hours Overall Star Rating
Page Category Page Check-in Enabled?
Page Impressions Page Impressions Nonviral
Page Impressions Paid Page Impressions Viral
Page Likes Page Likes Unique (Non-Paid)
Page Likes Unique (Paid) Page Name
Page Post Anger Reactions Page Post Engagements
Page Post Haha Reactions Page Post Impressions
Page Post Impressions Nonviral Page Post Impressions Paid
Page Post Impressions Viral Page Post Like Reactions
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Page Post Reach Nonviral Page Post Reach Paid
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Page Post Sorry Reactions Page Post Total Reactions
Page Post Wow Reactions Page Reach Non-Viral %
Page Reach Nonviral Page Reach Paid
Page Reach Paid % Page Reach Viral
Page Reach Viral % Page Total Actions
Page Total Reach Page URL
Page Unlikes Page Unlikes Unique
Page Video Ad Break Avg. CPM from Crossposted Videos Page Video Ad Break Earnings from Crossposted Videos (estimate)
Page Video Ad Break Impressions from Crossposted Videos Page Video Complete 30s Repeat View Rate
Page Video Complete 30s Repeat Views Page Video Complete 30s View Rate
Page Video Complete 30s View Rate Autoplayed Page Video Complete 30s View Rate Click to Play
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Page Video Complete 30s View Rate Unique Page Video Complete 30s Views Click to Play
Page Video Complete 30s Views Organic Page Video Complete 30s Views Paid
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Page Video View Time Page Video Views
Page Video Views Autoplayed Page Video Views Click to Play
Page Video Views Organic Page Video Views Paid
Page Video Views Unique Page Views Total
Parent Page Parking Lot
Parking Street Parking Valet
Payment Options People Talking About this Page
Personal Information Personal Interests
Pharmaceutical Safety Info Phone
Pickup Options Place Category
Preferred Audience Price Range
Privacy URL Products
Public Transit Rating Count
Restaurant Food Style Restaurant Services
Restaurant Specialties Store Code
Store Location Descriptor Store Number
Subtext Supports Donate Button in Live Videos
TV Network TV Show Schedule
TV Show Season Temporary Status
Unread Message Count Unread Notification Count
Unseen Message Count Username
VOIP Info Vehicle Features
Vehicle MPG Vehicle Year
Verification Status Website
Were Here Count Whatsapp Number
Written By

Admin Creator Category Admin Creator ID
Admin Creator Link Admin Creator Name
Admin Creator Namespace Allowed Advertising Objects
Attachments Target Attachments Type
Attachments URL Audience Targeting
Backdated Date Backdated Date & Time
Backdated Time Call to Action
Child Attachments Comments Mirroring Domain
Coordinates Creator ID
Description Tags Event
Expanded Height Expanded Width
Full Picture Height
Icon Link to Post
Media Object Media Type
Multi-Share End Card Multi-Share Optimized
Multi-link Share Description Newsfeed Targeting
Parent ID Permalink URL
Place Plays (Autoplayed)
Plays (Clicks to Play) Plays Total
Post Attachments Media Height Post Attachments Media Src
Post Attachments Media Width Post Attachments Target ID
Post Attachments Target URL Post Attachments Target Unshimmed URL
Post Can Reply Privately? Post Created Date
Post Created Date & Time Post Created Time
Post Creator Name Post ID
Post Image Post Instagram Eligibility
Post Link Post Message
Post Message Tags Post Name
Post Picture Post Story
Post Target Post is Eligible for Promotion?
Post is Expired? Post is Hidden?
Post is Inline Created? Post is Instagram Eligible?
Post is Popular? Post is Spherical?
Privacy Description Privacy Value
Promotable ID Promotion Status
Properties Publishing Application
Scheduled Publish Time Status Type
Story Attachment Description Story Tags
Subscribed? Tagged Profiles
Timeline Visibility Title
Updated Date Updated Date & Time
Updated Time Via
Video Buying Eligibility Width

Admin Creator Category Admin Creator ID
Admin Creator Link Admin Creator Name
Admin Creator Namespace Allowed Advertising Objects
Attachments Target Attachments Type
Attachments URL Audience Targeting
Backdated Date Backdated Date & Time
Backdated Time Call to Action
Child Attachments Comments Mirroring Domain
Coordinates Creator ID
Date Description Tags
Event Expanded Height
Expanded Width Full Picture
Height Icon
Link Clicks Link to Post
Media Object Media Type
Multi-Share End Card Multi-Share Optimized
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Other Clicks Parent ID
Permalink URL Photo View
Place Post Anger Reactions
Post Attachments Media Height Post Attachments Media Src
Post Attachments Media Width Post Attachments Target ID
Post Attachments Target URL Post Attachments Target Unshimmed URL
Post Can Reply Privately? Post Clicks
Post Comments Post Created Date
Post Created Date & Time Post Created Time
Post Creator Name Post Haha Reactions
Post ID Post Image
Post Impressions Post Impressions Nonviral
Post Impressions Organic Post Impressions Paid
Post Impressions Viral Post Impressions to Fans
Post Instagram Eligibility Post Like Reactions
Post Link Post Love Reactions
Post Message Post Message Tags
Post Name Post Picture
Post Reach Post Reach Nonviral
Post Reach Organic Post Reach Paid
Post Reach Viral Post Reach to Fans
Post Sorry Reactions Post Story
Post Target Post Total Reactions
Post Video Ad Break Avg. CPM Post Video Ad Break Earnings (estimate)
Post Video Ad Break Impressions Post Video Avg. Time Watched
Post Video Complete Views Organic Post Video Complete Views Organic Unique
Post Video Complete Views Paid Post Video Complete Views Paid Unique
Post Video Completes / 30s Views Autoplayed Post Video Completes / 30s Views Click to Play
Post Video Completes / 30s Views Organic Post Video Completes / 30s Views Paid
Post Video Completes / 30s Views Unique Post Video Length
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Post Video Views Post Video Views Autoplayed
Post Video Views Clicked to Play Post Video Views Organic
Post Video Views Organic Unique Post Video Views Paid
Post Video Views Paid Unique Post Video Views Sound On
Post Video Views Unique Post Wow Reactions
Post is Eligible for Promotion? Post is Expired?
Post is Hidden? Post is Inline Created?
Post is Instagram Eligible? Post is Popular?
Post is Spherical? Privacy Description
Privacy Value Promotable ID
Promotion Status Properties
Publishing Application Scheduled Publish Time
Shares Status Type
Story Attachment Description Story Tags
Subscribed? Tagged Profiles
Timeline Visibility Title
Updated Date Updated Date & Time
Updated Time Via
Video Buying Eligibility Video Play

About Address
Affiliation Artists we Like
Band Bio Band Booking Agent
Band Influences Band Interests
Band Members Band Press Contact
Band Record Label Band hometown
Birthday Boosted Post Ineligible Reason
Boosted Post Status Can Post?
Category List Company Founded
Company Overview Connected Instagram Account
Contact Address Cover Page Source
Culinary Team Current Location
Current Promotion Delivery and Pickup Option Info
Description Description HTML
Differently Open Offerings Dress Code
Email Addresses Engagement Details
Featured Video Film Awards
Film Directed By Film Genre
Film Plot Film Producer
Film Release Date Film Screenplay
Film Starring Film Studio
General Info General Manager
Global Brand Root ID Gobal Brand Page Name
Has Added App? Has Rating?
Has Review? Has Transitioned to New Page Experience?
Has Whatsapp Business Number? Has Whatsapp Number?
Impressum Instagram Business Account
Is Always Open? Is Chain?
Is Community Page? Is Eligible for Branded Content?
Is Messanger Platform Bot? Is Messenger Bot with Get Started Enabled?
Is Owned? Is Permanently Closed?
Is Published? Is Unclaimed?
Is Webhook Subscribed? LeadGen Ads TOS Acceptance Time
LeadGen Ads TOS Accepted By LeadGen Ads TOS Accepted?
Location Members
Merchant Review Status Message Response Time
Messengar Ads Ice Breakers Messengar Ads Quick Replies
Messengar Ads Quick Reply Type Messengar Ads Welcome Message
Mission Name with Location Descriptor
Offer Eligibility Open Hours
Overall Star Rating Page Category
Page Check-in Enabled? Page ID
Page Name Page URL
Parent Page Parking Lot
Parking Street Parking Valet
Payment Options Personal Information
Personal Interests Pharmaceutical Safety Info
Phone Pickup Options
Place Category Preferred Audience
Price Range Privacy URL
Products Public Transit
Rating Recommendation Type
Restaurant Food Style Restaurant Services
Restaurant Specialties Reviewer ID
Reviewer Name Store Code
Store Location Descriptor Store Number
Subtext Supports Donate Button in Live Videos
TV Network TV Show Schedule
TV Show Season Temporary Status
Username VOIP Info
Vehicle Features Vehicle MPG
Vehicle Year Verification Status
Website Whatsapp Number
Written By

Admin Creator Category Admin Creator ID
Admin Creator Link Admin Creator Name
Admin Creator Namespace Allowed Advertising Objects
Attachments Target Attachments Type
Attachments URL Audience Targeting
Backdated Date Backdated Date & Time
Backdated Time Call to Action
Child Attachments Comments Mirroring Domain
Coordinates Creator ID
Description Tags Event
Expanded Height Expanded Width
Full Picture Height
Icon Link to Post
Media Object Media Type
Multi-Share End Card Multi-Share Optimized
Multi-link Share Description Newsfeed Targeting
Parent ID Permalink URL
Place Post Attachments Media Height
Post Attachments Media Src Post Attachments Media Width
Post Attachments Target ID Post Attachments Target URL
Post Attachments Target Unshimmed URL Post Can Reply Privately?
Post Created Date Post Created Date & Time
Post Created Time Post Creator Name
Post ID Post Image
Post Instagram Eligibility Post Link
Post Message Post Message Tags
Post Name Post Picture
Post Story Post Target
Post Video View Time Post is Eligible for Promotion?
Post is Expired? Post is Hidden?
Post is Inline Created? Post is Instagram Eligible?
Post is Popular? Post is Spherical?
Privacy Description Privacy Value
Promotable ID Promotion Status
Properties Publishing Application
Scheduled Publish Time Status Type
Story Attachment Description Story Tags
Subscribed? Tagged Profiles
Timeline Visibility Title
Updated Date Updated Date & Time
Updated Time Via
Video Buying Eligibility Width

Ad Breaks in milliseconds Allow Video Privacy
Deny Video Privacy Event Attending Count
Event Canceled? Event Category
Event Declined Count Event Description
Event Discount Code Enabled? Event End Time
Event Guest List Enabled? Event ID
Event Interested Count Event May be Count
Event Name Event No Reply Count
Event Online? Event Owner
Event Parent Group Event Place
Event Scheduled Publish Time Event Start Time
Event Ticket URI Event Time
Event Timezone Event Type
Event Updated Time Is Cross Post Eligible?
Is Cross Post Video? Is Event Draft?
Is Page Owned Event? Is Video Eligible in Instagram?
Is Video Embeddable? Is Video Episode?
Online Event Format Online Event Third Party URL
Universal Video ID Video Backdated Time
Video Backdated Time Granularity Video Content Category
Video Content Tags Video Created Date
Video Custom Labels Video Description
Video Duration (seconds) Video Embed HTML
Video Format Embed HTML Video Format Picture
Video ID Video Live Status
Video Permalink Page URL Video Place
Video Premiere Living Room Status Video Privacy Description
Video Privacy Friends Video Privacy Networks
Video Privacy Value Video Processing Progress (%)
Video Published? Video Schedule Publish Time
Video Source Video Status
Video Updated Time Video User ID or Page ID
Video User or Page Video User or Page Icon

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