RTBIQ is a cross-platform, mobile first DSP offering RTB and audience targeting tools for optimizing video, audio, native, and display campaigns. Real world 1st party and 3rd party data segmentation allows you to get the right message to the right audience. RTBiQ's real-time metrics instantly provide campaign performance data with custom reporting tools, like View-Through / Listen-Through Metrics, or custom Foot Traffic Attribution studies.
With more granular data capabilities than anywhere else, you finally have the lens to fully understand all layers of your business. With TapClicks, you get access to seemingly-unlimited fields, and custom-built data views as well. Our team delivers the deepest intricacies of any platform and ensure you get the most information possible.
Group your data in ways you never thought of before and discover intriguing new insights. You can apply deeper insights with TapClicks—complex visualizations. Slice and dice, group and cluster. Drill down from campaign level to creative level.
Take a look at some of our more popular and out-of-the-box data fields supported. Keep checking back as we are always adding new metrics and data fields.
Ad Size | Advertiser |
Banner Fee | Bid Price |
Budget Cap | CPC |
Campaign ID | Campaign Name |
Click Events | Click URL |
Client CPC | Client CPM |
Client Cost | Complete Events |
Contract CPM | Contracted Cost per Click |
Contracted Cost per Mille | Contracted Spend |
Cost | Creative ID |
Creative Name | Date |
Domain | First Quartile Events |
Format | Geo Hash Fee |
Height | Impression Budget |
Impressions | Markup URL |
Midpoint Events | Pace Target |
Pixel Events | Placement End |
Placement Group End | Placement Group ID |
Placement Group Name | Placement Group Start |
Placement ID | Placement Name |
Placement Start | Platform Fee |
Preview Thumbnail | Preview URL |
Spend Budget | Status |
Third Quartile Events | Total Cost |
VCR | Width |
Win Events |
Ad Size | Advertiser |
Banner Fee | CPC |
Campaign ID | Campaign Name |
Click Events | Client CPC |
Client CPM | Client Cost |
Complete Events | Contract CPM |
Contracted Cost per Click | Contracted Cost per Mille |
Contracted Spend | Cost |
Date | First Quartile Events |
Geo Hash Fee | Height |
Impressions | Midpoint Events |
Pixel Events | Placement Group ID |
Placement Group Name | Placement ID |
Placement Name | Platform Fee |
Third Quartile Events | Total Cost |
VCR | Width |
Win Events |
Advertiser | Banner Fee |
Budget Cap | CPC |
Campaign ID | Campaign Name |
Click Events | Client CPC |
Client CPM | Client Cost |
Complete Events | Contract CPM |
Contracted Cost per Click | Contracted Cost per Mille |
Contracted Spend | Cost |
Date | First Quartile Events |
Geo Hash Fee | Impressions |
Midpoint Events | Pixel Events |
Platform Fee | Status |
Third Quartile Events | Total Cost |
VCR | Win Events |
Ad Size | Advertiser |
Banner Fee | CPC |
Campaign ID | Campaign Name |
Click Events | Client CPC |
Client CPM | Client Cost |
Complete Events | Contract CPM |
Contracted Cost per Click | Contracted Cost per Mille |
Contracted Spend | Cost |
Creative ID | Creative Name |
Date | First Quartile Events |
Format | Geo Hash Fee |
Height | Impressions |
Midpoint Events | Pixel Events |
Placement Group ID | Placement Group Name |
Placement ID | Placement Name |
Platform Fee | Preview Thumbnail |
Preview URL | Third Quartile Events |
Total Cost | VCR |
Width | Win Events |
Advertiser | Banner Fee |
CTR | Campaign ID |
Campaign Name | Click Events |
Client CPC | Client CPM |
Client Cost | Complete Events |
Contract CPM | Contracted Cost per Click |
Contracted Cost per Mille | Contracted Spend |
Cost | Date |
First Quartile Events | Geo Hash Fee |
Impression Budget | Impressions |
Midpoint Events | Pace Target |
Pixel Events | Placement Group End |
Placement Group ID | Placement Group Name |
Placement Group Start | Platform Fee |
Spend Budget | Third Quartile Events |
Total Cost | VCR |
Win Events |
Advertiser | Banner Fee |
Bid Price | CPC |
Campaign ID | Campaign Name |
Click Events | Click URL |
Client CPC | Client CPM |
Client Cost | Complete Events |
Contract CPM | Contracted Cost per Click |
Contracted Cost per Mille | Contracted Spend |
Cost | Date |
Domain | First Quartile Events |
Geo Hash Fee | Impressions |
Markup URL | Midpoint Events |
Pixel Events | Placement End |
Placement Group ID | Placement Group Name |
Placement ID | Placement Name |
Placement Start | Platform Fee |
Third Quartile Events | Total Cost |
VCR | Win Events |