Marketing Today: Storytelling Deconstructed - Hard Data Behind Emotive Creative

Marketing Today: Storytelling Deconstructed - Hard Data Behind Emotive Creative

Marketing Today: Storytelling Deconstructed - Hard Data Behind Emotive Creative Photo: clockwise from top, Thornburgh, Jacobson, Border. This week's Marketing Todaywas recorded live at the 2019 Incite Group Brand Marketing Summit in San Francisco. The topic of this panel...

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Client Reporting: the Missing Link in the Evolution of Customer Success

Client Reporting: the Missing Link in the Evolution of Customer Success

Client Reporting: the Missing Link in the Evolution of Customer Success As a marketing professional, your mission is to recruit clients, develop a plan to promote their goods and services, roll it out and watch the money roll in for you and them. But as you often find out, there is a...

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Making Sense of Metrics: Reporting KPIs, Context and Actionable Intelligence for Customer Success

Making Sense of Metrics: Reporting KPIs, Context and Actionable Intelligence for Customer Success

Making Sense of Metrics: Reporting KPIs, Context and Actionable Intelligence for Customer Success Client reporting is a core competency in marketing practices today in which marketers closely track their campaign results on behalf of clients and customers. According to Gartner, 69...

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A Marketer's Guide to Client Reporting

A Marketer's Guide to Client Reporting

A Marketer's Guide to Client Reporting Learn the magic of client reporting and the growth-driven benefits it can provide when done right! Watch our most recent webinar, A MARKETER'S GUIDE TO CLIENT REPORTING with Scott Guttenberger, Director of Enterprise Marketin...

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Should You Ditch The Marketing Funnel and Choose the Bowtie Method?

Should You Ditch The Marketing Funnel and Choose the Bowtie Method?

Should You Ditch The Marketing Funnel and Choose the Bowtie Method? Gary Malhotra, VP of SEO and Self Serve at TapClicks, was interviewed by Sure Oak for their Agency Podcast. Check out the video here. We're including some of the core ideas from the 15 min expert interview. The or...

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Corporate Strategy: An Interview with The VP of Corporate Development

Corporate Strategy: An Interview with The VP of Corporate Development

Corporate Strategy: An Interview with The VP of Corporate Development Author Note: The original article was published on martechcube on April 16, 2019. TapClicks VP of corporate strategy, Noah Jacobson, speaks with MTC on strategy, TapClicks, and marketing technology. Noah Jaco...

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How To Access Intelligence: Data-Driven Transformation In Marketing Operations

How To Access Intelligence: Data-Driven Transformation In Marketing Operations

How To Access Intelligence: Data-Driven Transformation In Marketing Operations   The potential of big data to transform the art and science of marketing has been dangled in front of CMOs like the proverbial carrot. Significant progress has been made through ad tech solutions fo...

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Maximizing Client Reporting Efforts: 5 Integral Strategies

Maximizing Client Reporting Efforts: 5 Integral Strategies

Maximizing Client Reporting Efforts: 5 Integral Strategies Any agency knows that reporting is an integral part of each and every project. It's where you can celebrate your wins or highlight areas for improvement. But it can also be extremely time-consuming and, when executed poorl...

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